
Experience Instant Relief with ExPressPAP by Medigy. Bid farewell to lengthy waiting times and nights filled with sleeplessness thanks to our ExPressPAP program. We fully understand the frustration that comes from waiting weeks for medical insurance preapproval before receiving the essential sleep therapy you so desperately need. That's precisely why we provide a groundbreaking solution that can bring you relief in as little as 72 hours. With ExPressPAP, you have the ability to bypass the time-consuming approval process and receive your much-needed sleep therapy right away. Our committed team ensures that you promptly receive all the necessary equipment, we take care of all the paperwork, handling your medical insurance filing after you've received your sleep therapy equipment. This streamlined process eliminates the typical 3-6 week waiting period, granting immediate access to the vital therapy required for a good night's rest. If you’re interested in the ExPressPAP program, please contact Medigy and ask about enrolling in the ExPressPAP program.